Monday, December 14, 2009

Star Student 12/11

Michaela was Star Student for the week of 12/11! Way to go Michaela!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

How To Writing: How to Cross the Monkey Bars!

Today we went outside to figure out the steps of the monkey bars. After we all crossed the monkey bars, we came inside and wrote our how to writing pieces! Today some of us were able to eat lunch in the classroom for AWESOME WRITING!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How To Writing- How to Make a Pizza

What the finished product looks like!

Hope, Madison and Diana ready to bake that pizza and EAT IT!

Hope and Vivek ready to cook their pizza

Jackson, Chloe, DeAndre and Sydnei excited for some pizza

Caitlyn and Anthony are learning how to make pizza

Amya and Robert are doing the next step: adding cheese to the pizza

Hope, Madison, Vivek and Diana are hungry for pizza!

Seth and Caiden are doing the second step: put sauce on your pizza!

Anthony, Amari, Caitlyn, Robert and Amya are ready for pizza!

Seth, Davante, Madison and Caiden are all smiles for pizza!

Bo and Jaden are in serous mode being chefs!

Jacob, Micheale, Michael and Elvedina are excited for some pizza!

Camron, Bo and Jaden checking out their pizza

Seth models his writers workshop paper on how to make a pizza!

Today in Writers Workshop, we wrote how to papers on How To Make A Pizza!
Mrs. Teper brought in her toaster oven and we were cooking machines!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Poetry Notebooks

Parents: Poetry Notebooks go home EVERY Thursday! Please make sure you read the poem with your child. Please make sure you sign the poetry notebook so that your child can get a piece of candy!

Star Student 12/4/09

Bo was our Star Student this week! Way to go Bo!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Putting Things In Order

In Math, we have been working on little, medium, and big. In Math Centers we put cows in order of their size!

Yearbook Orders

You can order Yearbooks online at:
Beauclerc's order number is: 30556

Candy... Candy...Candy!!!

We are in need of individually wrapped candy for our treat bin! Please send some in if you can!
Thank you!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Functional Writing!

Amya doing the Last step: Sliding down

Amya doing the Second step: sit down

Amya doing the First step: walking up the stairs

Today we started a new type of Functional Writing: How To... with How To writing we tell people how to do things. Today we learned how to tell people to slide down the slide!
Check out the pictures of us learning how to slide down the slide!