Monday, October 27, 2008

Field Trip to the Jacksonville Zoo

Tomorrow is our field trip to the Zoo! Please remember to pack a lunch. No lunch boxes. No glass bottles, and no soda! Please put your lunch in a brown paper bag with your name on it.
Please wear pants and sneakers.
Parents- if you are chaperoning please be at the school by 8:45 to follow the bus. We will NOT be able to wait on you to arrive.
I look forward to our first ever field trip!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Field Trip Money and Permission Slip

Please remember that Field Trip money and permission slip are due tomorrow October 14th. Please make sure you send in the $2.50 to go to the Zoo. Our trip is October 28th!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Our Apple Party!

To celebrate Fall we had an apple party today! We bobbed for apples, made apple jack cereal necklaces, did tear paper apple trees, apples up on top, and apple painting. At the end of the day we had apple juice and applesauce! YUM YUM! Happy Fall!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Comments, Comments, Comments!!!

Please feel free to leave comments to our pictures and our blog posts! We would love to know your thoughts!